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Welcome to www.homoloquens.eu!

Do you want your company to be successful on international markets, do business in all of Europe and beyond? Then you should speak your customers' languages!

But, let's be honest: How much time can you spend to ensure that you and your staff actually speak foreign languages well enough? Surely too little. Wouldn't it be reassuring to have a strong and trustworthy partner who cares about the foreign language skills in your company?

Under the name "homo loquens" I develop job and task related language learning modules which work both as practical, hands-on language trainings for your employees and as a storage facility for your company's foreign language knowledge. That means: no more expensive yet mostly unefficient language courses, but language learning using methodically innovative learning modules directly on the job. All modules make up a permanently growing ressource for learning and are made available to you anytime and anywhere - for a sustained learning effect for both company and employees.

Curious to know more? Just write to me via my contact form, or give me a call!

"homo loquens": Latin for man as "the talking animal”